New Products:

Cisco Networking Hardware

Cisco has anounced the release of its newest network firewall solution for small businesses.  The RV345P Dual WAN Gigabit POE VPN Router. 

This device supports multiple WAN connections for redund Internet connections, business grade firewall protection, VPN connectivity for secure remote connections and power over ethernet for remote devices.

Visual Studio 2017 Released

New cloud intergrated software development is possiuble with the newest Visual Studio released by Microsoft this month.  Code written, debugged and deployed directly to the cloud offeres faster to market development stream. 

Developing applications for Azure is a seamless integrated experience in the IDE you know and love. Visual Studio 2017 includes all you need to get started developing for Azure. Enable the Azure workad in Visual Studio 2017, and you are good to go.

Web Coding

Enjoy the following advantages:

  • NuGet Packages
  • Source on Github
  • Documentation
  • Samples